6 Nov 2012

Save the Date: FAFA 2012

... and the fashion continues, FAFA is back, this November 17th and looking at the lineup this year I am super excited for the show. I love  Gloria Wavamuno from Uganda and cant wait to see what she showcases and FAFA insight emerging designers competition designer Jamil Walji.
Here is a line up of the Kenyan Designers showing:

Anna Adero

Blackbird Jeans
Deepa Dosaja

Embody Accessories
Jamhuri Wear
John Kaveke
Monica Kanari
Riri Jewelery
And a few designers from the continent:

B’ExotiQ (Ghana)
Gloria Wavamunno (Uganda)
Mudi Africa (Nigeria)
Zekaryus Solomon (Eritrea/UK)

I know, I mean amazing right... though, (cough, cough) if I went for this i'd be set back a few thousands, WHY!! #helplessness but we will be blogging about this through pictures from other sources. Life of a recessionist.
