Yeah, so that Revlon Bar trip was for nothing because the Junction bar was not operational when I got there but I was informed that the Westgate bar was, however, that was a trip so deliciously far I skipped out, I'm not blaming anyone *cough HEAT* but I decided it was better to post pone it till later, these days if your walking around better to have one location than many to hit up at once.
So today is a Music Post! YAY!
And to start off our comeback what better way to start off than with the new Sauti Sol (I say new because they have undergone a complete Metamorphosis) with their song; Love me or Leave me.
What an image change right? Sauti Sol seem to have changed their entire look almost overnight, I really like
how they seem more mature and sophisticated than before I don't know about you but I really like this song and video except for the part where they appear to be eating raw fish but hey, whatever right?
What captured me was the lead lady's hair, and those other naturals in the video I mean what a beautiful naturals dream right? From Range Rover (such funk, soul) to this song I love their mixture of a generic rock- type of sound and a dash of Afro beat so much so that I am actually convinced that I should buy their E.P. If you are interested you can pick it up from by clicking this link >>> Bandcamp or from any major supermarket store.
What do you like about the New Sauti Sol, their songs and videos?
Keep you posted!