31 Mar 2012

Lana Del Rey- Budding icon.

Lana Del Rey

There is something deeply poignant about Lana Del Rey's voice... Its like a nostalgic melody that you thought you only once remember hearing because it reminded you of something important and its haunted you all the while... Forgive me people I'm obsessed with music. This is the root of all Indie music
Besides doesn't she look like someone plucked her from a Wes Anderson film or an artistic movie from 1963?
She's like a really sad angel,  a really stylish one.
I want to be a vintage picture.

So for your viewing pleasure...

Lana: Video Games- this reminds me of Marilyn, Elvis, Heath Ledger and pictures with friends

Lana: Born to Die: I think of flower children, Brigitte Bardot, leather jackets and the fact that i need a car!

Lana: Blue Jeans- reminds me of the sixties, trailer parks, James Dean and Chezza's Tattoo.

I know she says James Dean in this video, but i swear  i had thought of it way before the video ended. This video is so good girl meets bad guy meets a terrible death meets an amazing movie i could have watched from the Cannes Film Festival.

What do you think of her and her music?

Keep you posted !


  1. love her! she's such a fashion icon, drop dead gorgeous
    love blue jeans the most x


    1. When i first saw her, i was like woah!! An actual icon has landed -i think she's going to be big.
      Thanks for stopping by :)
